Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week 13 has already come and gone.

This has been another beautiful week.  Many flowers were at bloom the first part of the week, but many of them have not survived a few cold cold nights.
Daffodils at Kew Gardens

We regularly watch the swans and their eggs.  We're anxious for the birth of the little swans (cygnet).  Bet you all knew that's the name for a baby swan - didn't you.  This week we found one of  the eggs had rolled out of the nest and the father swan was trying to take care of it.  He was trying to keep the egg warm while gathering new twigs and plants to create a new nest.  We had fun throwing bits of plants and twigs over the fence to help him out.  He picked up each piece that we threw over and used it in the new nest.  We left with the father swan sitting on this egg while the mother swan was sitting on the other 9.  When we arrived the next morning, the new nest was not there but all of the twigs and leaves we had thrown over were now part of the mother's nest.  The egg was not visible anywhere.  We hope that the egg was rolled back into the nest with the other ones.  We could not tell, but stay tuned.

The egg and father swan
We also had a new "foul" friend greet us one morning this week.  The bird just stood on the fence and did not move even when we got close for the picture.  Any of you recognize what kind of bird this is?

Our "foul" friend
We had a busy week at work.  Paul's understanding of files and computer programs is once again a great help to all.  He has spent lots of time helping and teaching the new Elder that has joined us.  His wife is pretty understanding of computers and is doing well with a minimal amount of Paul's help.

We have been working with a less active lady in the ward.  She is interested in who she is and her family history.  Paul has researched her line and she is so excited.  Annie got her to come to relief society Tuesday night.  We hope she can get over her low self esteem enough to realize she is worthwhile and feel comfortable rejoining the members at church..

We live very close to the Thames (pronounced Tems) River.  The weather was so nice that we took a small detour going home on Friday and walked down the path by the river.  It was so beautiful and peaceful.
The Thames River near our home.
Paul on River Trail


Annie went to Costco again with a sister in the ward.  It is about an hour drive both directions.  We got back late and Paul was beginning to wonder if Annie had run away (actually just worried if she was safe; with a thought at the back his mind that she is really directionally challenged.  Good thing that she was with one of the local members).

We spent Saturday (after Paul's haircut} in London and visited the Victoria and Albert Museum with the director of the London family history centre (center for you yanks).  It was an amazing place with lots and lots of interesting things to observe.  They placed their displays with a theme in different rooms based on the time period and country.  For example one room or floor had clothes, furniture, dishes, art and more from the British for the period 1750 to 1800 .
Victoria and Albert Museum - Inner Court
A door at the Museum

One of the sections on the door

Front entrance of the Museum

After the museum visit we were invited over to the flat of the family history director.  She is a very interesting lady.  She is originally from Provo.  However, for several years her main home has been in Switzerland. She also owns a huge and elaborate home in London that she uses when she comes to direct the family history center.  It was very fun and interesting to visit her London home and have dinner with her.

Tonight (Sunday) we were invited over to the Powell's for dinner.  This is the couple that we digitize with. In case you're keeping track, we have enjoyed two nights of meals fixed by someone else.

We have fun with some of the words and phrases that are used in England that are different from the ones we use in America.  It might be fun to list a few once in a while in the blogs.

American                                British

Bandaid                              elastoplast
Fries                                   Chips
Potato chips                        Crisps
Vacation                              Holiday
Hood                                  Bonnett
1st Floor                             Ground floor
2nd floor                             1st floor
Gas                                     Petrol
pacifier                                dummy
garbage can                         rubbish bin
call                                      ring
cookie                                 biscuit
pharmacist                           chemist
watch your step                   mind the gap

We hope that Kathie gets over her kidney infection soon.  We also hope and pray that Rachelle's ankle mends completely soon.

Next weeks blog may not be completed on Sunday since we will be arriving in Germany on that day.  Nevertheless we'll do our best to keep you all posted.

We sure love you all,

Grandma and Grandpa Smart, Mom and Dad, Paul and Annie

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