Hello once again to our family and friends,
Another week has come and gone and they seem to be flying past quickly. Seems like we are asked regularly about when we want to go home and what arrangements should be made. We are thinking that with all the traveling they are asking us to do that we will likely come straight home after our release. We also keep getting asked to do more family history teaching and training – sometimes we are getting requests for later in the year. We simply tell them that we won’t be around that long and that they should contact our leaders that will remain behind after we are gone. Believe it or not, it is a little sad to turn them down and tell them we won’t be around!
Well, enough of that, let’s move on with one more exciting week and our activities of the week. Monday was one great day! It was a holiday here (they call it a “bank holiday”. Guess they can’t think of a President (or King) or cause to name them after, so they simply use the term “bank holiday”. Anyway the missionaries from the other mission that serve in the Family History Center decided to come into our mission (they are in the London Mission, not the London South) where Richmond Park is located and view a supposedly impressive collection of flowers in part of the park. The area within the park is called Isabella Plantation. The park consists of some 40 acres, and this “plantation” was within the park. We saw some deer in the park and then entered this fenced off area that had an absolutely gorgeous flower garden – huge. Great day! We capped it off by returning to the city of London and eating together at a bbq place that offered ribs and pulled pork.
Isabella Plantation |
Isabella Plantation |
Isabella Plantation |
Isabella Plantation |
Isabella Plantation |
Isabella Plantation |
Missionary BBQ |
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning were fairly typical days at the Family History Centre and working with the staff and patrons. However, in the back of our minds, we know that we had a forthcoming seminar on the weekend in Northampton and that we would be gone the following week researching and getting ready for another seminar in Chorley, which is where the Preston Temple is. So there were the usual handouts and power point presentations, etc.
Northampton Stake Center |
Northampton Conference Banner |
Northants FHC - Notice Worker at Back of Picture |
We forgot to announce the arrival of our new little ones. Best count that we can give is five or six. The staff of the TNA say six, so we'll take their word for it. Baby Cygnets! Check them out!
Spring at The National Archives |
Friday afternoon we headed for Northampton, about 1½ hours north of London. We arrived in good time and checked into our hotel. We then traveled to the LDS Church, just to make sure that we knew where to go the next day. Had a great meal at a nearby pub and settled in for the evening. Saturday we had a good day with nearly 200 people at the Church, many of them non-members. Paul taught two classes and Annie and Paul had several individual appointments to help individuals with their personal family history problems. All seemed to go well and by 4 pm we were off to Chorley (where the Preston Temple is located). It was another 2½ hour drive. We experienced lots of rain on the way, but were feeling pretty good when we saw the lights of the temple.
Today is Sunday. We’re actually in the Family History Centre doing this blog. We were going to go to Church here in Chorley, but decided to go to Wigan and attend the ward there. After all, Wigan is the place that Annie’s ancestors lived. It was a great meeting and there were some really wonderful people there.
Wigan Chapel |
We still got back to Chorley in time to visit the Church. The building is as big as any stake center in America. It has four wards that meet in it. Because it’s near the temple it is beautifully landscaped and well taken care of. This whole complex consists of the Temple, large MTC, huge stake center, family history centre, housing for temple workers, housing for temple patrons, distribution center and buildings for maintenance and other administrative offices.
Accommodation Center at Temple |
Chorley Chapel next to Temple |
Preston Temple |
Lancashire is beautiful country. We look forward to doing some research and visiting the areas where Annie’s family came from. We look forward to participating in the family history seminar this next weekend.
Hope this finds you well and happy and enjoying the blessings of the gospel.
Our love and sincere best wishes to all of you,
Mom & Dad, Annie & Paul, Grandma & Grandpa, Sister and Elder Smart
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