We met the Family History Area Advisors to the Area Presidency this week. We touched base with them about a week ago and they asked that we meet them this week at the temple. That seemed like a good idea, so we made arrangements to meet them Wednesday evening at the temple. We thought that it would be quite doable, especially since we simply hop in our recently obtained car, plug in the coordinates in our GPS, and drive about an hour down the motorway (freeway for you US readers). So, we spent Wednesday morning at the Family History Centre in London helping in the centre and training some of the staff on doing family history. We went dressed in our suit and dress, so we could leave immediately for the temple and get in a session prior to our meeting with the Cottrell's (the area advisors).
The meeting went well and we particularly enjoyed meeting during dinner at our favorite temple restaurant, The Peacock. We learned that the Cottrell's wanted us to work the area in and around London since they lived in Bournemouth (a way west of London). They were also happy to line us up with a speaking engagement in Romford, Essex on Feb 16.
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Temple Experience - Sister Leah Smith - Center; Sister Divina Sapaden - Left |
Since we didn't get a p-day last week (we spent Saturday at Catford doing a family history presentation), we took Monday to do our shopping and run errands. We still ended up going to the family history centre to try to catch up with some of our paper work and other items.
Tuesday, we spent at the FHC with Annie filling in for a missionary while Paul took the missionary and did some training/mentoring with that person. We started a little later, but worked until almost 7 that night. Friday was another day just like Tuesday, only we started getting ready for some of our ward and stake visits and the presentations we have to give.
Today was another marvelous Sunday. Absolutely love Church. Both of us were so touched by the testimonies that we absolutely had to bear our testimonies. A couple of those that bore testimony were from our temple preparation classes. They had such sweet and yet powerful testimonies! We taught our usual temple preparation class. We have several that are so humble and yet so vibrant about wanting to attend the temple. Three of the young men in the class will probably serve missions. One is black and is such a fine young man. He is so ready and so prepared to serve.
Anyway, following Church we went to the home of an American family by the name of Frost (Shawn and Alyson). They and their two older children (12 year old twins) wanted to be taught how to find some family names for temple work. They are a great family and since there are powerful Church connections all over the world, Sister Frost is a granddaughter of Elliot and Agnes Black from Tooele. Anyway we had a nice afternoon, good meal and time well spent with the Frost's.
Guess that's about enough for this week. We want to recognize our family members who have special days to celebrate this week: Kaeson - 1 year old on the 5th; Eli & Mickell - anniversary on the 4th; and one other birthday on the 5th, that we're not allowed to mention.
We would like you all to know that the gospel is TRUE! Although we have had some real challenges here, our faith has never waivered. We are so happy to serve (even though we miss you all more than you will ever know). Please be assured of our love and best wishes. We pray every day for our family and friends.
Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Annie and Paul, Elder and Sister Smart
ps If any of you see our camera let us know. We fear we may have lost it. Good thing we back up our pictures and have a tablet that takes wonderful pictures as well.
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Elder Smart @ Temple - Still Doing Family History |
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