Monday, April 29, 2013

Week Number 12

Swans Protecting Eggs (ten)
This has been one of the prettiest weeks that we have experienced.  Spring is all around us.  The trees are in bloom.  Flowers are coming out.  Birds are singing. Baby Swans are getting ready to hatch. If you can believe it, the sun has even been shinning -- well at least most of the time.  Yesterday (Saturday) it was a little cold and rainy, but that's pretty normal.
Saturday, our P-day, we cleaned (as usual).  Then we went from one end of the tube (underground train) to the other end.  It took us a little more than an hour.  We wanted to get to a library where most of the newspapers of England are housed.  We spent most of the afternoon looking for relatives of a less-active member that we have been working with.

Leicester Square
Annie was a good sport about the whole thing.  She kept looking and looking, but neither of us found anything.  We determined
that the family, being very disfunctional, just didn't make any effort to be included in the paper.  Just to give a flavor for what we were up against, the father and mother of a very large group of children, got married after all the children were born  (does this sound familiar Jessilyn?). 

Oh well, we got the marriage certificate for the above couple on Friday.  We know that it will be a good gift to the daughter of the above couple.  She is the less active member.  Annie has her committed to go to Relief Society on Tuesday.

Leicester Square
After we left the newspaper library, we headed home taking our time.  We stopped at Leicester Square, where all the theatres are.  It was raining so we didn't spend much time, but we saw some of the main theatres that have some of the big shows.  We also wanted to see Picadilly Circus which is one of the prominent sites to see in downtown London.  It was interesting to see all the lights, signs, billboards, street entertainers, etc.  As we walked backed to Leicester Square we passed the theatre that had the show, "The Book of Mormon", a sarcastic, but humorous, look at Mormons.

The Book of Mormon Production
We made it back to Leicester Square and decided to eat there.  There are so many steak houses and restaurants all over for people going to the theatres.  Most of them were quite crowded.  We ended up eating at Pizza Hut and felt like we had a good meal -- pizza with half of what Paul wanted and half of what Annie wanted, two salads and two drinks. 

We saw more of the Mormon ads in the train station as we headed back home.  Got here quite late, but had a good day.

Mormon Advertising @ Tube Stop
Mormon Advertising

Two other exciting things happend.  Early in the week we found out that our daughter Kathie, has an actual plane ticket to come to England in September.  It will be so good to see family from home.  The other good event occured on Tuesday when we got word that we could start another digitizing project -- the capturing of information on those that served in the British Air Force.

Guess we better round up another week.  Before we do, we'll just mention our Emyli who turned four this past week and our appreciation for being here to serve the Lord.  We don't always know why it is that we are doing what we are doing, but we have a testimony that we can make a small difference in doing the work of the Lord. 

We express our great love for our family and friends.  If you read this please know of our great esteem for all of you.  If you don't read this, we still love you all!

Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, Elder and Sister Smart

Genealogy Session at the Flat (The Goodlet's)
More Genealogy

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 11

This week has been wonderful.  We finally can go outside without coats, gloves and anything else possible to keep warm.  We still need a jacket or sweater, but we see sun and flowers and green.  It feels so nice.  We are able to enjoy all of the landscape and foliage around our flat.  We live in a complex called Kew Riverside.  It is beautifully kept -- water fall, shrubs, trees, green grass and flowers.  We can finally enjoy all these with Spring-type weather.  To top it all off, we have had sunshine and blue skies today and yesterday.

Senior Missionary Couples @ Lunch
Italian Restaurant
Hampton Court Palace Gardens
Hampton Court Palace Gardens
We spent Tuesday with 8 couples from our mission.  We met at an Italian restaurant for lunch and then visited Hampton Court Palace.  Since we had visited it two weeks ago, we enjoyed spending more time in the beautiful gardens.  Can't ever remember seeing so many daffodils! The weather was so cold when we visited the palace the first time we did nothing more than look at the gardens from the windows and walk out into them for about 5 minutes.  It was nice to walk around and enjoy their beauty and peace.

The Maze
Center of the maze
Elder Smart found the ladies again!
We walked through a specially
 prepared maze at the gardens.  Believe it or not we found our way to the center and back out.

Royal Tennis Courts - small racquets
It was very interesting to watch "tennis" at the Royal Courts at Hampton Court Palace.  Here, they play the original tennis and used a unique tennis racquet.  We were told that tennis was first played with the hand.  After too many sore hands, a racquet was created in about the shape of the hand.  The racquet is much smaller than the racquets we are familiar with and shaped differently. 

This week our digitizing started to slow down.  We are finishing up one project and the next project isn't quite ready.  So that the other four had a little work to do, Paul spent two of our regular work days upstairs in the London Family History Center doing genealogy for ward members and other missionaries. He also spent time trying to straighten out some of the Windows family records on Annie's father's side (the Ward family). He is the example of something Aaron said to us when he called this week.  He quoted Carter and said,  "If you do not like to do something then don't learn to do it well."  Paul has learned to do it (family history) well and thankfully he loves doing it

Even without Paul, we finished the digitizing work early and so Sister Powell and I took off on the bus and went grocery shopping Friday afternoon.  It was fun to shop without Paul there.  As much as I love him, it is hard to grocery shop the way I like to,  with him assisting.  I enjoy going up and down each isle and looking at what is there and what sales there may be. I will many times adjust the meals according to what I find.   He insists on having a list, going into the store, getting what's on the list and getting out.  I found so many things in the store that I had no idea were even available in England.  It will help me make a better "list" next time.

Friday night we finally went down to our complex's gym (Kew Riverside) for an orientation on what is there. They have a very nice swimming pool, hot tub, and sauna.  Also, there are lots of great exercise equipment available. Annie took advantage of the workout equipment Saturday morning while Paul slept in. 

We did our usual Saturday, "P" day cleaning of the flat and then we took off for downtown Richmond.  We "started" the process for opening a British bank account and then shopped a little and walked to Kew Gardens.  There was much more to do and see than we had time for.  We plan on returning there soon.  We saw King George III's home.  He was a good husband and father of 15 children with only one wife.  The home was still in mostly original condition.  We could see the construction of a lot of the walls as it had deteriorated some.  
Kew Gardens Palace
Beautiful Kew Gardens
Once again it was beautiful to enjoy the flowers, trees and green at the gardens.  We walked and walked to do all that we did Saturday.  We went home exhausted (having walked at least two miles).  Hopefully Paul's knees will survive.  They are doing so well but sometimes, he still feels effects of his knee surgery last summer.

We are happy and enjoy serving. We miss everyone and ask that your prayers stay with us.  We will continue to keep you all in our prayers as well.

Grandma and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, Elder and Sister Smart  

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Still Not Counting -- but, must be week 10

We're excited to have the opportunity to reporting another week.

Perhaps the highlight of this week is the people that we meet/met at Church.  This week had hoped to meet a Sister that the Bishop would like us to help strengthen her testimony and help her to realize that the Bishop does love her.  However, she wasn't there.  Guess we'll have to go to plan B.

The Elders called yesterday and asked if we could accompany them to a lady's home that was quite elderly and hadn't been to Church for many years.  She also had an interest in her family history and, of course, the Elders thought of us.  We had a great visit with her, but she is convinced that she is a lost cause because it's been so many years since she has been to Church.  We felt differently and are going to work with some other members to convince her otherwise.

Haircut, Flora Butter, Great Food (weird look)
The next most important happening is the arrangement of Annie's haircut.  Seems like they are VERY expensive here and no Velynn to help.  Boy, are we missing our kids or what?  So, we joined the United Kingdom's Groupon and found a pretty good deal that took us into London on Saturday.  When we got there, we learned that it was very close to the Hyde Park LDS Chapel and even closer to our favorite gelatto place.  We've probably seen it twice since we've been here and Paul has probably walked past it several years on the way to the gelatto place.  Anyway Annie loved the haircut and wants to go back again to get her hair tinted in another month or two.

The new couple that joined us with our filming also went along.  Unlike us, they got their free pass to ride the Undreground and buses in just over a week.  So we showed them around the area and did all the things near the Hyde Park chapel except Harrods.

Gelatto & happy Elder
We had lunch with them and of course gelatto.  Then we ventured off to see a train, underground and bus station called Charing Cross.  The reason for heading to this station was to see the Church public relation campaign relative to the product of "The Mormons are Coming." Of course it made headlines in American when it came out last year.  However, it's just come out over here.  Rather than have people get funny, sarcastic and degrading opinions of the Church, a huge effort has been made to show people where there can get accurate information about the Church and its members.  We feel that an impressive effort has been made.

Charing Cross Station (Mormon Advertising

Charing Cross Station (Mormon Advertising)

Mormon Advertising
Mormon Advertising (with tourists)



We also continue to help several of the members and investigators with their family history.  We had Elder and Sister Don Carpenter (from Draper) come by this past week and we showed them around the archive and got permission to take them down to the basement where we do our work.

Well, that's about it for this week -- except we need to make sure you are keeping up with the developments of the swans and their potential babies.  They still haven't had any little ones hatch yet.  We saw mama swan get off her eggs for a few minutes this past week and she is up to ten eggs.  One man was standing watching her with us and he said that she has so many of them so that a few may survive the foxes who are always looking for a meal.

Happy birthday this week to Emyli!!!

The gospel is still true.  We love serving, but of course, we still miss our family and loved ones. 


Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Sister, Brother and Friend.

ps  Thought we might share a favorite picture from this past week, sent to us from Las Vegas.  We'd love to have pictures from any of you who don't share with us.  It's one way to remember you and our lives back home
Our Happy Twins

Watching Conference on TV  (Thanks to Training from Aaron we were able to hook the Internet into the TV.  Almost like being at home)

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week number 9. I guess we must be counting.

This has been a very full week.  We started Monday with a trip to Hampton Court Palace.  It was one impressive sight.  The palace had a mote around it and it was easy to picture it full of water and creatures to prevent enemies trying to get into the palace, although it is nothing but grass right now.  In the 1500's this palace was supposedly Henry VIII's favorite.  He was here when he was a young and handsome and a dynamic king.  He was power bound.  He and his queen worked together to conquer and rule.  He was probably a likeable man during his time at this castle. He is the perfect example of the scripture that tells us that when one gets power he usually becomes wicked.  He was one wicked and beheading man when he was at the Tower of  London.   The Hampton Court Palace was more of a huge hotel.  He liked to accommodate a large number of guests and do it in style.  The kitchen was always busy cooking lots and lots of food.  Rich meats were a favorite.  Being able to eat rich meats meant prosperity and high class.

Front entrance to Palace
Ancient Greeters - Henry VIII

Inside the Court

Family tree of King Henry VIII
More of Gardens
Beautiful Gardens were outside of Palace

King William (18th Century) used this castle also.  He set out to remodel the entire palace, but had only the funds to do about half of it. His remodel was very ornately decorated.  Murals covering everything, including the ceilings.  We saw more naked chubby babies than I thought possible in one building.  One room was decorated from top to bottom, with guns.
Ceiling mural in King Williams Palace
One section of one wall

It was fun watching the staff role play the people of this time.  They also sang and danced for us.
Dancing in the Palace Ball Room

Elder Smart with his ladies
Sister Smart with her Squire

We have been finding our way by bus to lots more places for shopping this week.  Learning how to use the bus and train system is an art we are picking up fast.  We located a bgt TESCO store that has good prices on some needed kitchen supplies.  Our biggest treasure there was some small plastic cereal bowls and small plastic cups.  Everything we had found so far was breakable thin glass.  Not too sturdy and well.....this is Annie in the kitchen.

We were able to take buses and trains and get to Costco again.  We were met there by the mission van,  two mission Elders and the Powells (the new mission couple that are going to be digitizing with us).  We stocked up on many things and were able to get the loot back to our flat with the mission van.  The biggest problem now facing us was how to store it in this tiny flat.  We live in about 570 square feet of living space.  We could only store the "loot" in weird places like under the bathroom sink, on top of the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator, and in other corners of the flat.  When there is a will there is a way!
Costco storage above frig.  Notice
unique storage above the stove "hub"
Costco shopping above sink area

We are enjoying showing the ropes to the Elder and Sister Powell from Idaho.  We had them and our senior cameraman (who came all the way from Scotland, to train the Powells and set up their cameras) over to our flat for dinner.  Entertaining is fun for both of us.  We have learned that we can share meals and enjoy company in our flat, even though we may not have a lot of niceties.

Elder Smart, Sister Powell and Elder Powell watching conference.
This is conference weekend.  We are able to get conference on our computer, live!  That means the 10:00 a.m. session is live for us at 5:00 p.m.; the 2:00 p.m. at 9:00 p.m.  The Powell's do not have internet in their flat, yet.  They came over yesterday and we enjoyed sharing food and watching conference together.  They will be over tonight, Sunday, to do the same.  We were able to hook our computer up to the tv and watch it just like at home. 

Mother swan on nest with father watching near
 One exciting thing at work has been the Swan's that all of the archive workers claim as their own, are expecting!!  The mother swan has been sitting on her nest a lot lately.  She was off of her nest one  morning when we walked by and we were delighted to see 4 or 5 eggs in the nest.  The pictures show the Swan and the eggs.  We will continue to follow the saga of the birth and hopefully get some pictures of the little ones soon.

The swan eggs
Mother swan on nest

We are finding more joy in this service the longer we are here.  Paul has had many opportunities to help the Missionaries and employees with their genealogy.  He will have another opportunity to speak at a fireside in June at the visitors center next to the London Temple. 

Congratulations to Alayna and Tanner on their birthday last week.

We are grateful to Heavenly Father for watching over Raquel.  She recently had her appendix rupture.  Some how (sure somehow - actually with the Lord's protection) the appendix was wedged against her hip bone and did not leak into her abdomen.  Velynn sent us a picture of the birth of the "lovely" appendix and we wanted you to enjoy it as much as we did.  A BIG THANKS! TO VELYNN.
Must be Bad - Appendix
Life is good and life is busy.  We love the Lord and recognize the strength that the Atonement gives to us as we move forward every day. We love you all and pray for your safety and well being.

Elder and Sister Smart, Grandma and Grandpa, Brother and Sister, Mom and Dad.